Introduction to Virtual Facilitation

Has the Covid-19 situation changed your organization’s training, meeting and event plans? Are you wondering how to activate participants when all the events have gone online, and the good old yellow sticky notes (post-its) are quarantined on the office shelf? Don’t worry, you can join the Introduction to Virtual Facilitation!

This learning event is intended for those who want to learn how to use online tools in facilitation. The training will serve as an introduction to remote facilitation practices. The aim is to give participants more confidence and enthusiasm in using online facilitation tools and to share tips on best practices. We will also learn how to use Breakout Rooms and Virtual Whiteboard in Zoom.

The focus will be on facilitation skills, rather than technical details. We hope that the participants have some previous experience in using online tools, e.g. you have sometimes attended an online meeting.

The training is for max. 25 people and it will be organized online in Zoom Meeting Application on Tuesday 22nd September at 17.00-19.00. If there are more than 25 applicants, we will prioritize English-speaking persons from Fingo’s member organizations. The registered will receive a link to Zoom closer to the training. The training is free of charge.

You can sign-up for the training by filling the registration form which opens when you click registration button at page (Please leave the billing information empty as this training is free of charge.)

The event will be hosted by Fingo’s facilitators Pauliina Paananen and Jaana Viirimäki. If you have any questions, please contact